
It's Raining Again

I didn't post much this weekend or spend much time online, either, because it was beautiful outside. As a fair skinned red-head, I used to hate going out in the sun, but the older I get, the more I appreciate a sunny day. I took Stinky to the dog park again while Sweetness was in NYC with her friend Devin and Devin's mom and Monkey was visiting her wild child cousins with Loki. Stinky met another Basset Hound this week, and he also ran around for hours with an Australian Shepherd named Luke.

I did spend a little time on the abortion issue, obviously, although I feel like my story has resulted in everyone who visits here taking a few steps back from the crazy woman. Maybe not, but if you stop in, please feel free to leave evidence that you did so.

I'll leave you a question that you can answer in comments: what is your favorite television show of all time and why? (It's TV turnoff week so I'm in withdrawal while I set a good example for my kids.) I'm not even certain what my answer is, but I'm going to say Firefly just because it was so great for the few episodes it existed.

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