
Longer term goals

1. Perform a stand-up routine.
There have been moments in my life where I've made a large group of people laugh, not by speaking lines written by a playwright, but by coming up with something on my own. Those moments are some of the greatest moments of my life. The idea of doing stand-up is something that terrifies me, which makes me think it might be worth doing.

2. Publish a novel or short-story.
I've been wanting to do this my whole life. I have loads of material that could be brushed off and polished. I will do this.

3. Write a song.
Okay, I've filked plenty, but I've never come up with my own tune. The problem with having a good ear is that everytime I start humming a tune, it may start off as something new, but eventually it veers off into something I've heard before. Also, lyrically, I tend to be more along the lines of Weird Al than, say, the Indigo Girls. I would like to do something meaningful on this front sometime before I die.

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