
William F. Buckley: If there is a God, it's hot where you are,

and your son Christopher will be joining you when he kicks off.

As William F. Buckley Jr.'s only child, satirist and former White House aide Christopher Buckley is poised to inherit a fortune worth tens of millions of dollars.

But as Buckley waits for the estate of his late father to go through probate court in Stamford, a former Random House publicist is fighting in a Miami courtroom to increase the $3,000 a month in child support he pays for the special-needs son he fathered with her.

$3000 is pretty generous for child support for an upper middle class family (or so I understand), but Buckley has been resisting an increase, despite the fact that his child has special needs, which can seriously ratchet up the costs of raising a kid.

But Christopher comes by his assholery honestly, I gues

It is becoming increasingly clear, however, that the Buckley family's efforts to keep Jonathan at arm's length don't end with Christopher Buckley. In his will, William F. Buckley Jr. leaves the contents of his estate to Christopher and the two children he fathered with his wife — and leaves no doubt that Jonathan will get none of the money.

"I intentionally make no provision herein for said Jonathan, who for all purposes ... shall be deemed to have predeceased me," wrote William Buckley, who died in February.

Now, I don't think anyone with money is obligated to leave it to their children and grandchildren, but to deem the child as dead? Because he wasn't born in wedlock? Disgusting.

I have a copy of Thank You For Smoking somewhere in this house, purchased before I knew who Christopher Buckley was. I'm going to send it to his lawyer, with a polite note explaining that I am shamed for having ever contributed a penny to such a loathsome douchebag. And then I'll send the cost of the book to Irina Woelfle's lawyer to pass on to little Jonathan. It's not his fault his dad and grandfather are wretched, scumsucking, repulsive excuses for human beings.

1 comment:

Toast said...

That's extraordinary. "Shall be deemed to have predeceased me"? I thought people were only that evil in movies.